5 best floating docks for your home

5 Best Floating Designs for Your Home

A floating home dock has many benefits, including convenient access to the water and your boat.  You will always have a place to moor your boat and it will be just steps away from your home.  The best floating dock design will also add value to your property.

5 best floating docks for your home

Before deciding on the best floating dock design for your home, you will need to take several factors into consideration.  First and foremost, you need to determine what the priorities will be for its use.  Is it to access your boat easily and conveniently?  Will it be a gathering place for friends and family to sit and relax?  Will more than one boat need to have a place to dock?  Will you have parties there, which will require more space?  Do you have a kayak or jet ski that you want to launch from your waterfront property?  What is the water level and is the area subject to wakes and tides?  A floating home dock is what you want when water levels change often because they are able to easily ride with the flow.


One of the best things about floating dock designs is that they are so customizable.  You can plan almost any configuration you have in mind.  Leisure docks should be built with a desirable amount of space in mind for people to have chairs, chaise lounges, room to hold food and drinks, etc.  You determine the amount of space wanted and whether you want a single-level or double-level dock.  They are very maneuverable, and the plans are flexible.


  This type of dock makes it easy to gain access to the water to enjoy swimming.  It gives convenient access to the water from your home so you and your friends can enjoy swimming anytime.  You will most likely want to have a ladder for easy access to get back on the dock.  The amount of customization for your floating home dock is almost endless, from the materials used to the shape, height, and accessories.


  This dock will give you convenient access and storage for your jet skis, which are becoming more popular with each passing year.  AccuDock offers two types of jet ski docks: the Wave Armor Pro6 Series or the EZ Port 2i.  Each has its own desirable features to match your needs.


  If you are involved in rowing, there is a rowing dock that will allow easy and smooth access from the dock to your shell.


If you are into other watersports as well, the best floating dock design for you may be a multi-use sport dock, such as the kayak and paddle sport dock.  Floating home docks allow you to make the most of your waterfront property by customizing a sports dock area just right for your needs.


AccuDock is a global leader in floating dock platforms.  We are very experienced in floating home dock designs that will give you even more to enjoy at your waterfront home.  Call us today at 1-954-785-7557 to speak to a knowledgeable representative who can help you decide on the best floating dock design for your waterfront home.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
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