a converging point of view of a well-managed marina floating dock with a tiki bar at the end

Top Maintenance Tips for Your Marina Floating Docks

For a good portion of the year, your marina dock systems are exposed to environmental  elements 24/7. That opens the door to rust, corrosion, and other types of damage. Keeping your marina floating docks as clean as possible helps you stave off worse problems down the road. 

Cleaning procedures should involve a mix of the following sanitation products/ practices: 

  • Chemical treatments
  • Pressure washing 
  • Clean water 

This combination will help you eliminate surface mold and mildew while deep cleaning cracks and crevices. Cleaning is only half the battle when it comes to marina floating docks, however. Here are some other useful maintenance tips to help you extend the life of your marina dock system. 

Perform Maintenance Checks at the Beginning and End of the Season

To keep your marina floating docks functioning properly, you’ve got to stay on top of maintenance. At the beginning —and end— of every season you should do a thorough check to make sure there isn’t seasonal damage to your marina dock systems. 

Don’t forget periodic checkups though! You should look over your floating docks on a weekly basis to ensure their ongoing stability throughout the season.  

Install Reinforcement on the sides and corners 

The wear and tear of daily boat launches takes an eventual toll on your floating dock systems. While these types of marinas are meant to be used, that damage aggregates over time. It pays to purchase and employ high-quality dock systems to extend the life of your marina. Also consider adding bump strips and other materials on exposed corners to ensure the dock’s structural integrity over time. 

Winterize Your Dock 

Depending on the region in which you operate, you may need to take extra steps at the end of the summer season. 

In more temperate climates, you may need to secure your marina floating docks to the shoreline in preparation for winter. In other areas, you may need to remove it altogether. Either way, a little prevention goes a long way. 

Installing High-quality, Marina Dock Systems

Floating Docks are an integral part of any vacationer’s summer fun. From boat launches to kayaking and swimming, floating docks are central to summer. Cut down on maintenance and repair costs by getting reliable, high-quality marina dock system. Contact us today to see our full line of commercial and residential dock products.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
CALL 954.785.7557 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION

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