Vasona Lake County Park

March 2, 2023 Los Gatos, California
  • About the Client

    Vasona Lake County Park is a 152acre park that connects with the Los Gatos Creek Parkway and is one of the most popular recreational areas in Santa Clara County in California. Vasona Lake County Park includes 45 acres of lawn which can be used for informal play such as frisbee tossing, softball, or soccer. Paddle boats and row boats are available for rental from early spring through early fall. The lake also offers fishing for black bass, crappie, catfish, and bluegill.

    LGS Recreation manages the boating rentals at Vasona Lake County Park. Los GatosSaratoga Community Education and Recreation was formed in 1956 by the Los GatosSaratoga Union High School District. Commonly known as “LGS Recreation”, the department’s mission is to provide feebased public recreation programs for the community. Aside from rentals, LGS Recreation offers sailing classes for youth and adults and boating camps. The park offers kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, paddle boats, canoes, and sailboat rentals.

  • About the Project

    The Town of Los Gatos located in Santa Clara County needed help designing the best floating dock solution for their needs. The project was to replace existing boat docks and add an ADA Complaint Kayak/Canoe Launch Dock at Vasona Lake County Park. The park needed to update their system to be wheelchair (ADA) accessible. The Town of Los Gatos focused on upgrading its facilities to make sure they were available to people of all ability levels. 

  • About the Solution

    Two AccuDock Floating Docks were added to the park: an ADA Accessible Kayak Launch Dock and a Marina Dock. The ADA Accessible Kayak Launch Dock is 924 square feet with side assist railings and intermediate handrails. It also features an ADA transfer platform with an overhead grab rail, and a 3’ x 12’ Safe Launch Platform. There are several paddleboard railings for paddleboarders. The dock also features a 4′ x 50′ ADA Aluminum Gangway. 

    The ADA Kayak Launch Dock is a great way for people of all abilities to enjoy getting out on the water. The dock is easily accessible and provides a safe way to launch kayaks and paddle boards.

    The Marina Dock is 1,572 square feet with three finger docks. It features side railings, a roll off guard and bumpstrip for additional safety. The dock is equipped with a 4′ x 33′ ADA Aluminum Gangway. 

    The Marina Floating Dock is a great way for boaters to access the reservoir. The dock is easy to navigate and provides a safe and stable place to dock your boat. The ADA gangway makes it easy for people of all abilities to access the dock.

  • About the Results

    Santa Clara County’s main mission was to have the first ADA boat launch, the first place where water exercise, enjoyment, and the overall experience are truly accessible for those with disabilities. Thanks to AccuDock they were able to work together to make that vision come true. This satisfying investment in expanding access to those who need ADA assistance and ensuring their safe entry and exit from the water is rewarding for those who contributed to this project.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
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