

We were honored to receive the award for our GSA (General Services Administration) Schedule 84 Contract Holder in January 2014. Following a stringent application and review process AccuDock was awarded this contract from 2014 through 2024, (GS-07F107BA). The GSA contract allows federal agencies to purchase AccuDock® products that are included in the previously approved determined prices. AccuDock’s GSA Contract extends the highest discounted rate for government project purchases and the ease of direct purchase through their website. Federal agencies prefer to buy from GSA Schedule contract holders because they know they are receiving approved products and services reviewed by government officials, without the need to secure additional bids.


Every AccuDock® welder has been tested and certified by the American Welding Society. The American Welding Society (AWS) was founded in 1919 as a nonprofit organization focused on advancing the science, technology and application of welding related disciplines. AWS continues to lead the way in supporting welding education and technology development to ensure a strong, competitive, and skilled American welding workforce.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
CALL 954.785.7557 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION

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