Decking Options

The choice of decking is often the most important and personal decision when it comes to the design your floating dock. AccuDock® makes sure to offer options to satisfy every taste and install requirements. It’s the first thing a person sees each time they look out onto the water at their floating dock and will be the most noticeable aspect of it for years to come. The ideal decking choice for a floating dock or platform is dependent on a variety of factors including desired use, climate, aesthetic surroundings, and ecological effects.

Although there are a variety of decking materials often used in the construction of floating docks, PVC Decking has quickly become the most popular decking choice for the majority of applications. PVC decking is made by whipping PVC into a lighter less dense aerated foam. The foam is then extruded to various sizes and takes on the working characteristics of real wood without all the disadvantages. PVC decking offers a no maintenance solution for every climate, budget and design. AccuDock is the South East Regional distributor for Wolf PVC Decking.

  • Amberwood
  • Cypress
  • Driftwood-Grey
    Driftwood Grey
  • Harbor-Grey
    Harbor Grey
  • Rosewood
  • Sand-Castle
    Sand Castle
  • Silver-Teak
    Silver Teak
  • Weathered-Ipe
    Weathered Ipe

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
CALL 954.785.7557 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION

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