AccuDock quick reference guide to answer the most frequently asked questions about our Floating Docks and Gangways.


What is an AccuDock made from?

  • Each AccuDock float is made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE ) Plastic which completely encapsulates a block of EPS Foam.
  • All of our products are made from “virgin materials” and contain no recycled materials. This ensures all AccuDock products are uniform and free of defects.
  • All aluminum products are manufactured using 6000 Series – Marine Grade Aluminum to prevent corrosion and rust.

What color flotations are available for an AccuDock?

  • Each standard AccuDock is made from White HDPE on all sides.
  • Black HDPE is used for Aluminum Floating Dock systems.
  • A variety of decking color options are available.

What is the top surface of an AccuDock made from?
The top surface of an AccuDock is made using non-skid, levant textured HDPE plastic the same material is used on all sides, including the top and bottom.

What size flotation does AccuDock offer?
AccuDock offers numerous flotation sizes, with a freeboard as low as 5″ and unlimited height options.

How much weight can an AccuDock gangway support?
A standard AccuDock gangway will support 50lbs per sq. ft.

How much weight can an AccuDock support?
This will depend on depth of the floatation. i.e. A 5’ x 8’ x 8” Work Float can hold up to 700 Pounds.

How much does an AccuDock module weigh?
Each AccuDock module will weigh differently depending on the size and depth of float.

What makes an AccuDock Floating Dock ADA compatible?
Numerous additions to a Standard AccuDock are needed in order to meet ADA requirements. AccuDock offers an ADA Transfer Package for AccuDock packages that incorporate a slip into the design allowing for an easy transfer from wheelchair to kayak. Features such as an edge roll off guard are available. This feature which goes around the perimeter of the dock prevents the ability of a wheelchair sliding off the dock and into the water.

What makes an AccuDock Gangway ADA compatible?
All AccuDock gangways can be made to meet ADA requirements such as length, slant ratio, railing size, height, scope, edge protection and continuous handrail extension and transition plates.

Why/When would a compensation float be needed for a gangway?
To support the additional weight of a gangway and prevent lifting of the AccuDock or if the gangway is hinged to the AccuDock.

Can you add additional floats to an existing AccuDock?
Yes, however each situation is unique. You’ll need to provide the design you currently have and go from there. Sections of the bump strip may need to be removed prior to connecting additional AccuDock floats.

Can you add bump strip to an AccuDock after manufacturing is completed?
Yes, bump strip can be added to your floating dock after it is completed. Contact your Sales Representative for further information and pricing.

Can you add decking after an AccuDock has shipped/been installed?
Yes, it requires an additional frame to be installed prior to attaching deck boards. Deck boards are pre-drilled and cut to size for ease of installation.

Are the floating dock and gangway surfaces slippery when wet?
The top surface of an AccuDock is made using a non-skid, HDPE plastic which is designed to prevent slipping. Our PVC decking is also impervious to moisture. However, any surface can obtain build up over time if not taken care of properly so to prevent slippery conditions it is recommended to maintain your floating dock when you notice any dirt or other debris on the surface.

Who installs the docks/how difficult are they to assemble?
AccuDock is a manufacturer of our products and does not provide installation. However, we do have a network of approved contractors that can be recommended all of which are familiar with our product. We do have customers that install their own docks and installation instructions can be provided.

How do AccuDock floats get connected together?
AccuDock floats must first be “framed” using 2” x 2” Marine Grade Aluminum square tubing in order to connect them together. AccuDock has numerous connectors used to connect standard floats together. Our Aluminum Floating Docks are connected with pre-assembled bolts. Installation instructions can be found here.

What type of attachment method should I use?
Your Sales Representative will be happy to work with you on which attachment method would be the best fit for your location. The various attachment methods can be found here.

What common tools are required for assembly?
You will need the following tools for the assembly of your floating dock:

  • Drill with a 5/16”, 3/8” and 1/2” Bit
  • 3” and 1” Allen Bolts (These are provided by AccuDock along with your floating dock)
  • 1/2”, 9/16” and a 3/4” Wrench
  • Allen Wrench
  • Hammer/Mallet

How do I know what size dock or gangway will work for my property?
If you are unsure what size dock or gangway you need, one of our sales reps will be able to help you determine what size will work best for you. we ask that you take measurements and photographs or videos to share with your sales representative. Gangway length is the most critical dimension on determining overall size of your gangway. Standard rule of thumb is a slope ratio of 3-1 or 4-1 (for every foot of drop, we suggest 3 or 4 feet of length. i.e. – 3’ drop would require 9-12’ gangway length.

Do your docks get hot in the sun?
Our floats are white in color providing a cooler surface temperature. If your system is decked it will retain heat similar to a comparable color-toned wood deck. Darker colors will retain more heat regardless of the product.

How long does it take to manufacture an AccuDock?
All AccuDock purchases are built to order, please check with your Sales Representative for current lead time.

Where can I see one of your docks?
We have AccuDock’s at public parks, rowing venues and other waterfront areas. Please ask your Sales Representative where you can find a location near you.

Can my AccuDock stay in the water over the winter months?
Yes, an AccuDock will draft roughly 1” and pop to the surface if the water freezes.  AccuDock’s floating docks are designed to maximize convenience, durability, versatility, and ease. They can be left in the water over the winter safely. If your Floating Dock is located in an area with severe winter ice conditions or debris over flow, we recommend taking your dock out of the water during winter months. While removing your dock be sure not to drag the dock and make sure it is maintained and stored in a safe place out of the elements.

What kind of lifespan can I expect if I buy an AccuDock?
AccuDock’s are designed, built and installed with longevity in mind. All marine applications are harsh but the AccuDock design takes weather into consideration. You can rest assured that your AccuDock will last up to 20 years or more.

What type of maintenance is required for my AccuDock?
Very little maintenance. AccuDock floats can be pressure washed or cleaned with a stiff bristle brush and simple green cleaner. If left in saltwater conditions, barnacles suggested to be scraped off as needed. Tips on maintaining your floating dock and gangway can be found here.

How does the AccuDock handle saltwater conditions?
Our marine-grade aluminum is not submerged in the water, and therefore not consistently subjected to corrosion. The AccuDock warehouse is in Pompano Beach, Florida, right off the Atlantic Ocean and has had floating docks in the surrounding waterways, free of any problems.

Will I need to pull a permit for my AccuDock project?
All Cities, Towns and Counties have different laws relating to what requires a permit and what does not require a permit. Please check with your local permitting agency for clarification. One key aspect of our AccuDock is that it can easily be removed and may not be seen as a permanent structure.  If necessary AccuDock can provide permit drawings for an additional fee.

Does AccuDock offer a permit pulling service?
No, AccuDock does not offer any service to assist in the permit process.

Do your docks have a warranty?
Absolutely, AccuDock is proud to be a made in the USA product and we stand behind our products 100%. Our Warranty can be found here.

Is the installation included with the purchase of an AccuDock?
No, installation is not included.

Does AccuDock provide site visits?
Yes, an AccuDock Sales Representative will be more than happy to come to your property for a site visit. If you are not local, we are available to FaceTime or Skype.

How do AccuDock orders typically ship?
Typical AccuDock orders ship via common carrier. Either by flatbed trailer or covered 18-wheeler trailer. All AccuDock orders are palletized with protected corners and shrink-wrapped to ensure your order arrives free of damage. For domestic large shipments, full dedicated trucks are loaded at our facility and are delivered to the customer at the best rate possible.

Do you ship internationally?
Yes, AccuDock has been shipping full containers overseas extensively through our international dealer program that has been set up across the world. Each container is typically fully packed out to maximize the amount of product being shipped for the cost. Your Sales representative will work with you on providing you the best options for international shipments.

Does AccuDock rent Docks?
At this time, we do not currently offer rentals. However, please contact our office to discuss your request and we will try to accommodate you.

What should I do if my package or items arrive with damage from shipping?
Inspect the material delivery from AccuDock immediately. If your shipment has damages upon arrival, please ensure to notate in writing on your delivery receipt from the carrier. ( This has to be done when the driver provides you with the paperwork for signage.) Any aspect of the material not acceptable must be specifically notified to AccuDock within 24 hours of delivery. AccuDock shall then be given a reasonable opportunity to address any issues. Please make sure to take pictures of your shipment and provide them to AccuDock when contacting us to address your damages.

Does AccuDock have a cancellation policy?
All AccuDock Sales are final. We do not accept cancellations.

Am I able to return my dock if I change my mind?
All AccuDock Sales are final. We do not accept returns. We stand behind our Products 100%. Your satisfaction with your purchase is extremely important to us. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact our office.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
CALL 954.785.7557 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION

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