Rowing Launch Docks

AccuDock takes rowing safety to the next level with the ingenious design of its Rowing Launch Docks. The primary goal is to ensure that rowers can enter and exit their shells with utmost safety, while maintaining a low freeboard that maximizes buoyancy and stability. Safety is of paramount importance in the sport of rowing, and AccuDock is dedicated to upholding the highest standards.

Rowing Starting Docks with people on the dock surrounded by fog.

A Favorite Among Rowing Communities

AccuDock’s Rowing Launch Docks have earned a well-deserved reputation as a favorite among rowing clubs, universities, and are often chosen for high-profile rowing events. These docks are meticulously designed to meet all rowing standards, ensuring that they provide a secure and user-friendly experience for rowers and coaches of all sizes.

Rowing Starting Docks with a pink and orange sunset in the background.

Effortless Accessibility

One of the key highlights of AccuDock’s Rowing Launch Docks is the incredibly low freeboard height, which stands at just 5 inches above the water. This low freeboard provides the stability and buoyancy required for easy launching and docking. It offers rowers the ability to effortlessly access and exit the water, making it a preferred choice for rowing enthusiasts.

Rowing Starting Docks on blue water.

Durable and Low-Maintenance

AccuDock’s commitment to quality extends to the materials used in its rowing docks. These docks are constructed with polyethylene that is specifically designed to resist rotting, splintering, or the need for painting. This design ensures durability in all types of weather conditions, making it an investment that will stand the test of time.

Versatile and Easy to Install

AccuDock’s rowing launch docks are not only safe and stable but also incredibly versatile. Their design makes installation and removal a breeze, especially during the winter months when seasonal considerations come into play. Unlike some other dock designs, these docks can be easily added to an existing layout or reconfigured to adapt to changing requirements.

The Rio de Janeiro Showcase

AccuDock’s prowess in delivering exceptional rowing solutions is exemplified in its project in Rio de Janeiro, where the company installed docks for the test event at the 2015 Junior World Rowing Championships. The setup included a 400′ 8-lane starting platform and three 16′ x 80′ launch docks. AccuDock went a step further by constructing a Coaches/Referee access dock accommodating 18 launches and a 10′ x 176′ Awards dock. The successful execution of this project is a testament to AccuDock’s ability to provide tailored solutions for high-profile rowing events.

Your Rowing Launch Dock Partner

AccuDock is your trusted partner in creating rowing launch docks that meet your exact requirements. Our commitment to safety, innovation, and quality is unwavering. If you’re considering a rowing launch dock or need assistance in enhancing your existing setup, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. AccuDock is here to help you get started on your design and ensure that your rowing experience is safe and exceptional. Give us a call today, and let’s embark on this journey together.

AccuDock is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of Floating Docks
CALL 954.785.7557 OR EMAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION

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